
How planning can lead to personal and professional success

A strong business plan will ensure your business has its greatest chance of success. But what about you? Many business owners often find themselves unprepared and drifting directionless without a plan in place. And since their personal goals are so intertwined with how their business is progressing, this lack of planning can often mean their business suffers.

Take an inventory of your last year
Before you draw up your new plan, think about last year. Write down what happened in the core departments of your life such as your health, career and family. Was your year successful? Did you enjoy it? What did you do that worked and what didn’t? Decide what you would repeat and what you would do differently.

Create a personal mission statement
Creating a mission statement is a type of self-behavioural coaching technique that assists you in defining your personal priorities. It can also help bring your most important goals into sharp focus. Research shows that behavioural coaching can lead to meaningful behavioural changes. Be specific about your mission statement. The clearer you are about your reason for doing what you’re doing, the better your results will be.


Plan your strategy
Once you have your mission statement, set smaller goals to help you achieve your final goal. Also, mark out a timeframe to achieve them. Check in regularly to ensure that you’re on track by revising your plan and progress at weekly intervals. Take note of any relationships you can develop to help you achieve your goals, and any resources that you need. Share your plan with your employees (if you have any) so they know what’s most important to you.

Decide what your personal values are
Brainstorm a list of your strengths. This will help boost your self-esteem and help you become clearer on how you can use these strengths to achieve your goals. Also, decide what your boundaries are and how you will deal with personal situations when they arise. This will help to make your decision-making process more efficient throughout the year.

Take note of your weaknesses and start to devise a strategy that will help you turn these weaknesses into strengths.

“For things to get better, you have to get better.” Tony Robbins

 Decide how you will achieve life balance
Studies show how regular breaks and exercise can increase productivity and creativity at work. Any personal success plan should include a plan for how you will achieve a work life balance with enough downtime, exercise and playtime to keep you happy, creatively inspired and engaged in your work. Decide when and how you will:

  • Spend time with your family and friends,
  • Manage your finances and
  • What you need to do to feel spiritually connected and in control of yourself, such as mindfulness or meditation activities.

Looking for more inspiration?

The Officeworks Mini Masterclass for Small Business is designed to empower you to achieve your goals. This free online course features eight video lessons and is hosted by leading Australian small business owners. Combining expert insights with practical little wins to apply across all facets of your business and life.

Click here to get started.

This article was brought to you by Officeworks who know it is all about the little wins when it comes to kicking big goals.

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