manifest wealth concept

What does it take to create wealth?

- August 28, 2023 3 MIN READ

What does money mean to you? How many points of view do you have about wealth and abundance? asks Gary Douglas, bestselling author of Money Isn’t the Problem, You Are. Your points of view about money create your experience with money. For example, if you have decided that you have to work hard to make money, you… Read more »

Sapling sprouting out of jar of coins

7 tips to make your money work harder for you

- May 18, 2023 3 MIN READ

  We get so many things from our work – skills development, new friendships and of course, a source of income. But as American entrepreneur Marshall Sylver noted, “either make your money work for you or you will always have to work for your money”, explains financial advisor and money mentor, Helen Baker. If you… Read more »

Inspecting grocery receipt / bill at supermarket

3 ways to combat expense creep and avoid money traps

- May 17, 2023 3 MIN READ

  The cost of living is constantly on the rise and you will, no doubt, have recognised a gradual increase in your expenses, notably due to cost of living and interest rates rises. Over time, you will have succumbed to expense creep caused by factors such as lifestyle, inflation and changes in circumstances. Expense creep… Read more »

Magnifying glass highlighting the tallest stack of coins in a row

How wealthy are you? Take the test and see…

- February 16, 2023 4 MIN READ

  Wealth can be measured subjectively, or objectively. What does this mean? Wealth creation expert and author of Money Magnet: How to Attract and Keep a Fortune that Counts, Steve McKnight explains. Take Wayne for example. He pegs his wealth subjectively, based on what his friends seem to have (or not have). For instance, he… Read more »

Katherine porritt says you can't manifest money for your business - it takes work to build wealth

You can’t manifest money: There Is no magic trick, it simply takes hard work

- November 17, 2021 3 MIN READ

With the rise in popularity of manifestation, there has also been a rise in “experts” telling their followers that you can manifest money into your life. Is it really that easy? asks Kathryn Porritt CEO and Founder of Business Bravery and the Luxury Influencers Agency. Kathryn has built two businesses with 7 figure revenues. She’s… Read more »


How to achieve financial wellness in 7 easy steps

- November 19, 2020 3 MIN READ

Just as crash diets and getting fit by going to gym once a month does not work, setting aside some money every month without a plan, typically won’t get you to where you need to be financially (or maybe, but not in an ideal timeframe). Having disciplined goals, no matter what the discipline may be,… Read more »