Puzzle with main piece showing 'public relations'

Decisions, decisions … is advertising or PR a better choice for your business?

- February 14, 2022 4 MIN READ

For many startups and small businesses, deciding whether to invest in public relations (PR) or buy advertising or sponsored content – or do all three – is a key decision in the marketing and sales mix. All three tactics work well depending on your desired objectives, but there are some red flags that indicate when you’re… Read more »


How small businesses can nail paid search

- December 4, 2019 4 MIN READ

Despite search marketing being one of the quickest and most productive ways for companies to acquire new customers, rising costs and Google’s 88 per cent market share dominance in the space can make it challenging for small and mid-sized businesses with limited ad budgets and less big-name credibility to take full advantage. This requires business… Read more »