
Seven online tools to help propel your business to new heights

- August 31, 2016 2 MIN READ

Being a small business owner is no easy feat. The path to success is riddled with bumps, potholes and detours which can leave you feeling discouraged, stressed and lonely.

But your long hectic days can run smoother with the help of the right online tools. Here are some amazing free ways that you can propel your business to new heights.

#1. Google My Business

Create a business profile with your hours, location and other information so customers can easily find you on the world’s biggest search engine. The more detail you provide, the higher you’ll rank!

#2. MailChimp

You need to stay in touch with your customers, let them know about special offers and make sure that they’re often thinking of you. MailChimp is one of the best email marketing tools around. Using their templates you can easily manipulate your text, images and links to send up to 12,000 personalised emails to 2,000 subscribers.

#3. Docracy

We all know that legal services can be expensive. To get you started with basic contracts and agreements without the burden of the cost on your new business, check out the templates on Docracy. Customise them and when you’re a little further along you can worry about getting a lawyer to look over them!

#4. Canva

Be your own brand manager, graphic designer and visual marketing genius with Canva. You can easily create dazzling designs and infographics for social media, blogs, emails, pamphlets and so on. The sky’s the limit! They’ll look professional without costing you a cent and you can quickly make any edits on the fly with their mobile app.

#5. Kickstarter

If you want to kickstart a new product’s development but can’t bootstrap then consider a Kickstarter campaign. It’s free to create a campaign but the platform does take a small percentage if you reach your goal. It is also a great marketing tool and can help you reach a new audience, often in overseas markets like the U.S, Canada and Europe.

#6. WordPress

Blogging is a great way for people to get to know your brand and business story. WordPress allows you to getting off to a running start for free. You can choose from a range of customisable templates and begin posting immediately.

#7. Skype

Keep your phone bill low and eliminate the cost of international calls with Skype. You can use it to make voice and video calls anywhere you have an internet connection.

There you go – seven free online tools that will allow you to grow your business and keep your costs down.

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